Thursday, 23 July 2009

Pet Loss

For all you animal lovers out there the loss of a pet is one of the hardest things to cope with. And so many non animal lovers just don't understand the hurt and emotions that we go through when one of our beloved pet departs this world.

You have to ignore the sniggers from others because they think you are mad, but you know that you have loved and cared for one of gods creatures to the best of your ability and should feel proud of that fact and also that you are a more caring person than your non animal lover counter part.

It is up to you to do everything you can to get through your loss, there aren't many understanding people around who will help you. Close friends and family are usually quite good if they have pets themselves as they will understand some of your pain.

Allow yourself to grieve and allow enough time to grieve, take time off work, take time out, sort through your photos of your pet, plan a rememberance day, do whatever you need to do or what you think will help you and don't worry what other people will think.

Like any other loss you don't ever get over it but you do get through it and it becomes easier to cope with. I found it very difficult to think of all the good times with out cat when he had been so ill and all I could think about was memories of him being ill. But no that some time has passed I have moved on from that and can think about all the fun memories I have, I think about all the funny little things he used to do and how much he made us laugh.

So please don't beat yourself up, I promise you it does get easier with time. As they say time is a great healer and it is.

Kindest wishes

Thursday, 2 July 2009

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